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National Geographic Battlefields of the Civil War
On the 100th anniversary of the shots fired at Fort Sumter, the April 1961 issue of National Geographic Magazine featured in-depth articles on the U.S. Civil War. The issue included a supplement map that located and described every battle, campaign and major event of the war.

To honor the sesquicentennial of the Civil War, this historic map is available once again, in cooperation with National Geographic Maps.

All key battles and events are described with National Geographic’s renowned map notes. Each battle is located with a crossed-swords symbol.

Size 28" x 21-3/4" folded to 4" x 9"
Retail price $7.95
ISBN 978-1-888216-46-2
UPC 00025058007689

Side One (below; Virginia detail at bottom) covers the main region of the War, from New Jersey to Louisiana. Portraying the country as charted in 1863, it is based on a map on which General Grant marked his proposed lines of operation. Both armies’ major offensives are charted on an inset.

Side Two (below) features more detailed maps, including: “Cockpit of the Civil War” (southern Pennsylvania to southern Virginia), “Nashville to Atlanta” and “Memphis to Huntsville.” There are insets of Gettysburg; “Grant at Richmond”; the “War in the Southwest” (Texas to California), the Vicksburg Campaign and the battles for Atlanta.

P.O. Box 731, Rhinebeck, NY 12572 •  tel 845-758-1460 •  fax 866-954-6119 •  sales@bellaterramaps.com

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